Unfortunately I didn't take any photo. For the theme Heaven and Hell, I wore a black jacket, jeans, flip-flop (coz I can't afford my shoes to be stepped). I put on a blank white mask, blood dripping from the eye as I wrote previously. Smeltie helped me to paint the blood. I got myself a huge cross too.
The corridor was decorated really well! Black plastic covered the wall and red light shone on it. That's definitely hell. Yellow plastic covered the wall and white light shone on it. That's heaven then.
So many angels, like seriously everyone became angels. Relatively few devils with red horns and tails. One guy painted his face black and wore a black bedsheet covering his head and body. That's freaky.
Dance floor was awesome. A few ppl danced quite 'weirdly'. lol, like so... Anyway, yea, the usual dance moves were just like last yr. I found those gay sex dance moves very amusing, like wth are them doing!??? It's cool though.
The bass and the piercing euphorigenic sound that the DJ made with the helps of two cans of alcohol did something to my brain indeed. I actually needed to get out from the dance floor or I knew I would hit the limit. I just felt so dizzy when they played that sound.
I hate it when the DJ's played slow song with weak beats for a very long time so the couples or guys n gals who hooked up in the party could take the chance to kiss.
After the party, many bees buzzed in my ears, till the next morning.
Sunday, 26 April 2009
House Dance 09
Posted by namelessidiot at 14:48 0 comments
Saturday, 18 April 2009
House Dance
It was initially planned that we will have our house dance in TC, and I was so disappointed. However, for whatever reason, it was vetoed!! It will be held in the house!!!!
That's absolutely brilliant, and the theme is HELL AND HEAVEN. That's so my theme. My plan now is to have a halo, many crosses, trident, blackish red blood flowing from the centre of my eyes (wayyyy cooler than from the side of the eyes) and the corner of my mouth. Black and White definitely!!
I have invited Mubin (sorry Adri). And not sure abt the girls. It will be held next Sat, as in 25/4. Rue and Suang, do u wanna come? I don't think you guys wanna come pulang, like so far and evrything.
Anyway, I'm so looking forwards to seeing all the devils ascending and angels descending to School House.
Posted by namelessidiot at 19:39 0 comments
Back in England. It's warm and nice, many colourful flowers, sunshine till pretty late etc.
But.... the lessons are so boring, like hell boring.
So many mock exams. I know I shouldnt be saying this but I think FP2 and FP3 are like damn hard. I couldn't do so many FP2 pyp questions. I have given up understanding FP3 since long ago; I just learnt how to do it just like in Brunei when learning differentiation. I believe it's the right choice.
Just like what Mubin said, 'Inda berfaedah wah Further Maths ni.' Lol, that's very true, why will we biochemist and doctor need complex numbers, eigenvectors, matrices, modulus and argument, intrinsic coordinates EVER. Yea, I wrote this just to impress you non-further mathematicians.
I like it though, despite all these complaints.
Edit: I've got the mark schemes. I couldn't do all those FP2 que not bcoz of its FP2 contents, it's C4. maluku brabis, shyt, totally forgot those techniques.
Posted by namelessidiot at 19:34 0 comments
I'm impressed!
As what I have written, I had my driving lessons and my mock a day before my real exam at the old Land Transport. I was damn impressed by the receptionist at Mahabumi who marked my mock exam. 97 multiple choice questions, without referring to any paper, she gave out the ticks and crosses. Without referring to anything, not even my question booklet, she said it's not (what I have chosen), it's (the correct answer).
What I'm trying to say is, she had all the answers in alphabets, the questions and the choices provided in her mind. 97 QUESTIONS!!
She is young so she can't be working for that long to memorise all these stuffs. I'm just so impressed. She shouldn't be working there.
Posted by namelessidiot at 19:29 0 comments
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Disgusting -Barigali-
I have been saying that there were many giant dark-coloured mutated geckos in my old house at mabohai. Unfortunately, some of them were carried to Jangsak when we were moving, presumably they managed to stay in some boxes.
Well, it's not that big. I saw far bigger ones, striped lagituu. This one is not striped but surely it's dark-coloured.
Mihir lahhh. Like, this one makes me feel something sudah. The bigger one freaks me out tbh, when it starts to move.
Posted by namelessidiot at 15:00 0 comments
Monday, 6 April 2009
I'm just so into piano
This is going to be a boring post.
I'm now playing three Nocturne and one Etude of Chopin.
Nocturne No. 20 C# minor op posthumous
Nocturne in Eb Op. 9, No. 2
Nocturne #15 Op. 55, No.1 F minor - the last part is fucking awesome like so beautiful~~~ totally love it, though it took me quite some time to get it done. My hand is just big enough to play it or I'll be in serious difficulty in moving my wrist at such high speed, just like when I play Fantasie Impromptus.
Etude Op. 10, No. 3 is like amazing. The slow part is so beautiful but the fast part is hard...Well, it's Etude anyway, meant for exercise. I think this is the easiest among the Etude that I like. Btw, it's known as Tristesse Etude. I like Revolutionary Etude, Winter Wind Etude and Ocean Etude really a lot, but they r damn hard.
What a genius Chopin is!! I remember saying this to Beethoven too. lol.
I'm currently moving to Sonata in D Major by Hadyn. I dont think I have ever played any piece by him. I chose this piece coz it sounded cheesy and it's a long but manageable piece and I miss playing Sonata. Hadyn should be a musician from Classical period right, since he composed sonata. No composers from other periods compose sonata ryt? Like I have nvr heard any Sonata by Chopin... I dont reali know all these stuff.
The annoying thing abt Classical pieces is the tempo has to be exactly right throughout the piece unless terms like rall., ritard. appear. I seldom see accelerando, and I hope it'll never appear in sonata, when everything is like so fast already. It seems like robot is the best player for Classical pieces; there is no room for emotions. Well, that's what my previous teacher told me.
So this is how Haydn looks...
Posted by namelessidiot at 14:14 0 comments
Sekolah Memandu
Saya belum menghadiri kelas yang diajar dalam Bahasa Melayu sejak Tingkatan Atas Lima. Semasa guru memandu saya mengajar tanda-tanda, amaran-amaran dan pengetahuan am jalan raya, kerinduan terhadap kelas BM saya telahpun mengelami emosi saya.
Guru saya yang tergaya, tentulah Cikgu Haiseh. Dia jugapun guru disiplin sekolah kami. Dia mempunyai banyak tanda khas (trademark), terutama tanda khas tangannya.
Saya masih ingat bahawa kebanyakan penuntut tidak menumpukan perhatian mereka terhadap ajarannya, tetapi membuat kerja rumah mata pelajaran lain, terutama Matematik. kdn (Ketawa Dengan Nyaring) aka lol.
Kepada kawan-kawan saya yang memberitahukan saya sekolah-sekolah memandu yang dihadiri oleh mereka -Zaki, Suang, Ivan, Chern, Khaliq- terutama Ivan yang bukan sahaja memberikan saya alamatnya, tetapi juga nombor telefonnya, saya ucapkan ribuan terima kasih!
Saya memang beranggap bahawa tahap BM saya amat baik, tetapi saya masih mendapati B3 untuk Peperiksaan Peringkat '0'. Sebab utama ialah saya tidak seberapa pandai memahami Bahasa Klasik dan pantun yang diperiksa itu. Memang tidak bernasib baik, langkah kiri... <---lurus? Not bad man my malay!!! lol~~~
Posted by namelessidiot at 13:46 0 comments
Friday, 3 April 2009
Prince of Tennis
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
New PoT series is out for god's sake. It's unbelievale. Speechless... First chapter comprises of 53 pages. First few pages are coloured!! And the most annoying thing is, it's so good~~
Sigh, seems like I need to 'sacrifice' more time to read more manga. And PoT is definitely one of the must-watch anime once it's made.
I don't even know it has been planned since long ago.
p/s 40 million copies of the first series manga was sold out. yoi~ Takeshi Konomi must be fucking rich.
Posted by namelessidiot at 04:54 0 comments
Someone said jetlag doesn't exist. I believe him so I kept on telling myself that it's just sort of psychology stuff that made me couldn't sleep. lol, it worked... well, kinda.
First time I had a full course breakfast. Indo Mee + hot dog + egg + fishballs. Chicken soup. Dou fu hua / Tau hu huay / Beancurd flower (?). lol, I cooked the indo mee myself yoo. And I cleaned them myself. Not bad man.
Looking at the scenery outside aka useless land full of crappy grass and retarded shrubs brightened by the insane sunshine. Enjoying the warm wind from the electric fan. I'm definitely in Brunei.
I haven't stayed at home at this time for quite a while. I seriously need to get my washings done so I can manage to dry them in the sun before it sets. The annoying thing is my mum is now hanging whoever's clothes so I couldn't use it. celaka. If I wanna use it, I will need to take in the clothes for her, malas ku tia...
Restaurants I definitely wanna hit before going back : Pizza Hut, Dynasty/ Empress Court, tiam hock(dunno how to spell it)/tian fu.
Edit: It's Emperor's Court. My parents always pronounce it as Empress, rupanya EmPEror's. Doi~~ Anyway, yeah, I have hit it just now. lol.
Posted by namelessidiot at 04:45 0 comments