Who's up for a full medical check-up sometimes before we go back? I'm interested in having a blood test only though. Just wanna check out if my blood cells count, cholesterol level, [Hb] (ie concentration of haemoglobin), iron, platelets, etc comply to my healthy appearance!
I hope I don't have hypotension (low blood pressure) nor high cholesterol. You nvr know. I have a sphygmomanometer in my hse and I was tested having a hypotension at that time and it freaked me out. I swore it's because everyone in my family was so worried of hypertension (they get fat easily unlike me the odd one out) that we have been eating healthy food (and I've been eating healthy food for nearly all my life, unlike them, again) so my blood pressure was lower than norm.
And frequently I also find myself close to fainting, or maybe not since I've never fainted and hence I don't know how it feels when you're abt to faint. Maybe I'm just tired. But fainting is a symptom of low blood pressure since not enough blood is reaching your brain and thus the glucose and oxygen.
I tested myself again using another sphygmomanometer in Mubin's hse. I'm normal. Speaking of paranoia.
And you knw, thin people could get cardiac problems too. Thin doesn't imply low cholesterol level and hence I'm worried.
But then, we need to fast beforehand. Urghhh, I think I'll faint after the blood is taken out from my body.
ps Do you know the IV fluid contains sodium lactate? Amuses me for lactate being used as the energy source here. And no, lactate is different from lactose.
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