Thursday, 26 November 2009

Stressed out!

Lol, stressed out only towards the end of term. Well, just bcz it's going to be the end, everyone just gets slacky a little bit and when u've realised, there is so much works piling up. And.. that's the case for me. A tute sheet, a lab report and an essay. o-m-g.

wtv, I've given up in my chem tute sheet. So effing hard. Im just going to write, 'Sorry sir, i really wanna do the last few que but i just couldn't find any good reference books.' HAHHA, hope it works!

And that effing lab report, I couldnt even find any relevant information in my txtbook and internet. Bullshit, so yea I just bullshit it. Lab doesn't matter anyway; it's not counted.

Last sat, went to volunteer again at the Bate Music Collection. There's one guy who created many musical gadgets. So you just need to move your hand over the sensor, or shine a torchlight on the sensor the music will be played. And by the speed moved and distance of your hand from the sensor, the pitch will be different. So cool!

Asian Food Festival on sat night. I found it really good even though many asians-just-arrived-in-england think that it sucks. Well obviously, you cnt compare the foods with the one back in our countries. So considering that, i think they did a great job. Korean food sold out first damn it. And I want Thai Fish Cake!!! It sold out so quickly. The University Club (where it's held) was damn packed.

Yesterday, wed, 24/11. Defo the best day of my life in Ox so far. 10am lecture!!! FINALLY! Have been waiting for it. And... one lecture only which is the 10-11am lecture. Have lunch in union (3 quids for that sandwich is jst damn cheap!) Went to the union library for the first time too. Shopping. So fun, havent shopped since I came here. And it's the first time I entered Debenhams here. Bought myself a black and a white tie from Next. Come on, Next did a great job in ties. lol.

Then I went to EP to earn money by allowing a dr. (i assume) to do some right handed experiment on me. 15 min for 5 quids. (Y)(Y). Walked arnd a little bit and rushed back for master's drink. Then the Masters' Lodging Concert.

I need my fking holiday nw!!!! 3 more tutes, 2 more labs and i'm done!