Saturday, 7 February 2009

snow again...

Tbh, like Mubin, I'm a little bit bored of the snow. Mainly due to the disgusting ground covered by molten ice, a little bit solid, a little bit watery, dirty mud colour. It's so annoying when you had to walk on it as it's slippery.

Mathematicians apparently hate snow, so they have gone through the worst week ever in their life I believe. lol. My friend, Philipp, who's going to Cambridge for Maths, was so damn pissed off when he knew it was going to snow heavily and got into a state of absolute fury when he got hit by the snowball.

'I HATE snow!' He exclaimed in our maths class.
'Neither do I,' said my kuat tangan Maths teacher yg bari sasak cb for various reasons.

My Mech teacher gt hit too, and he warned that if he gt hit again, he would leave the school. This news soon spread all around the school, and everyone in the school talked about it. lol.

Snowballs, banana, apples, pears, rocks covered in snow, bare fruits i.e. not covered in snow, were thrown on school building, teachers, perspective parents who expressed their disappointments to the headmaster.

An assembly was held for the aggression occurred in and out of the school. I can't be bothered to go, but I heard what's going on from Mubin and Azim. The speech by headmaster went on for only five minutes, but it seems like the message was well delivered to the students, seems like.

'Bullying was not welcomed!" He then disappeared to behind the curtain. Silence followed and the assembly ended.