Saturday, 18 April 2009


Back in England. It's warm and nice, many colourful flowers, sunshine till pretty late etc.

But.... the lessons are so boring, like hell boring.

So many mock exams. I know I shouldnt be saying this but I think FP2 and FP3 are like damn hard. I couldn't do so many FP2 pyp questions. I have given up understanding FP3 since long ago; I just learnt how to do it just like in Brunei when learning differentiation. I believe it's the right choice.

Just like what Mubin said, 'Inda berfaedah wah Further Maths ni.' Lol, that's very true, why will we biochemist and doctor need complex numbers, eigenvectors, matrices, modulus and argument, intrinsic coordinates EVER. Yea, I wrote this just to impress you non-further mathematicians.

I like it though, despite all these complaints.

Edit: I've got the mark schemes. I couldn't do all those FP2 que not bcoz of its FP2 contents, it's C4. maluku brabis, shyt, totally forgot those techniques.