Monday, 6 April 2009

I'm just so into piano

This is going to be a boring post.

I'm now playing three Nocturne and one Etude of Chopin.

Nocturne No. 20 C# minor op posthumous

Nocturne in Eb Op. 9, No. 2

Nocturne #15 Op. 55, No.1 F minor - the last part is fucking awesome like so beautiful~~~ totally love it, though it took me quite some time to get it done. My hand is just big enough to play it or I'll be in serious difficulty in moving my wrist at such high speed, just like when I play Fantasie Impromptus.

Etude Op. 10, No. 3 is like amazing. The slow part is so beautiful but the fast part is hard...Well, it's Etude anyway, meant for exercise. I think this is the easiest among the Etude that I like. Btw, it's known as Tristesse Etude. I like Revolutionary Etude, Winter Wind Etude and Ocean Etude really a lot, but they r damn hard.

What a genius Chopin is!! I remember saying this to Beethoven too. lol.

I'm currently moving to Sonata in D Major by Hadyn. I dont think I have ever played any piece by him. I chose this piece coz it sounded cheesy and it's a long but manageable piece and I miss playing Sonata. Hadyn should be a musician from Classical period right, since he composed sonata. No composers from other periods compose sonata ryt? Like I have nvr heard any Sonata by Chopin... I dont reali know all these stuff.

The annoying thing abt Classical pieces is the tempo has to be exactly right throughout the piece unless terms like rall., ritard. appear. I seldom see accelerando, and I hope it'll never appear in sonata, when everything is like so fast already. It seems like robot is the best player for Classical pieces; there is no room for emotions. Well, that's what my previous teacher told me.

So this is how Haydn looks...